Route 53 Subdomain Not Routing Correctly to Elastic Beanstalk Environment? We’ve Got the Fix!
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Route 53 Subdomain Not Routing Correctly to Elastic Beanstalk Environment? We’ve Got the Fix!

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your Route 53 subdomain isn’t routing correctly to your Elastic Beanstalk environment? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the solution.

Why Is My Route 53 Subdomain Not Routing Correctly?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly cover why this issue might be occurring in the first place. There are a few common culprits:

  • Incorrect DNS record configuration in Route 53

  • Misconfigured Elastic Beanstalk environment

  • Propagation delays in DNS changes

  • Inconsistent naming conventions

Step 1: Verify DNS Record Configuration in Route 53

The first step in resolving this issue is to double-check your DNS record configuration in Route 53. Make sure you have the following records set up correctly:

Record Type Value
A Record [Elastic Beanstalk Environment URL]
CNAME Record [Elastic Beanstalk Environment URL]

For example, if your Elastic Beanstalk environment URL is, your DNS records should look like this:

A Record: ->
CNAME Record: ->

Step 2: Verify Elastic Beanstalk Environment Configuration

Next, let’s ensure your Elastic Beanstalk environment is configured correctly. Check the following:

  1. Environment URL: Verify that the environment URL matches the one in your Route 53 DNS records.

  2. Environment Type: Ensure the environment type is set to “SingleInstance” or “LoadBalanced” depending on your application’s requirements.

  3. VPC: Verify that the VPC is configured correctly, and the security group allows incoming traffic on the necessary ports.

Environment URL Gotcha!

Be aware that the environment URL in Elastic Beanstalk might not match the one in your Route 53 DNS records. This is because Elastic Beanstalk appends a random string to the environment URL during creation. To get the correct URL, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Elastic Beanstalk dashboard.

  2. Select your environment.

  3. Click on the “Configuration” tab.

  4. Scroll down to the “Network” section.

  5. Copy the “Environment URL” value.

Step 3: Propagation Delays and DNS Changes

When you make changes to your DNS records or Elastic Beanstalk environment, it may take some time for these changes to propagate globally. This is a normal part of the DNS system, but it can be frustrating when you’re trying to troubleshoot.

To minimize propagation delays, try the following:

  • Use a lower TTL (Time To Live) value for your DNS records (e.g., 300 seconds).

  • Verify that your DNS changes have propagated using tools like dig or nslookup.

Step 4: Verify Naming Conventions

Inconsistent naming conventions can lead to routing issues. Ensure that your subdomain name in Route 53 matches the environment URL in Elastic Beanstalk. For example:

Subdomain in Route 53:
Environment URL in Elastic Beanstalk:

In this example, the subdomain name in Route 53 matches the environment URL in Elastic Beanstalk. If your naming conventions are inconsistent, update them to match.


By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of your Route 53 subdomain not routing correctly to your Elastic Beanstalk environment. Remember to:

  • Verify DNS record configuration in Route 53.

  • Verify Elastic Beanstalk environment configuration.

  • Minimize propagation delays in DNS changes.

  • Verify consistent naming conventions.

If you’re still experiencing issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to AWS support or seek help from a seasoned developer. With persistence and patience, you’ll get your subdomain routing correctly to your Elastic Beanstalk environment in no time!

Remember, troubleshooting is an art, and practice makes perfect. Stay calm, stay focused, and you’ll be deploying your application to the world in no time!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with your Route 53 subdomain not routing correctly to your Elastic Beanstalk environment? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these commonly asked questions and their solutions below.

Why is my Route 53 subdomain not routing to my Elastic Beanstalk environment?

This could be due to a mismatch between the Alias Target in Route 53 and the Environment URL in Elastic Beanstalk. Make sure they are identical, including the region and environment name. Double-check your setup and try updating the Alias Target to match the Environment URL.

I’ve checked my Alias Target and Environment URL, but still no luck. What’s next?

Time to investigate DNS propagation! It may take some time for changes to propagate globally. Try using a tool like Dig or WhatsMyDNS to verify that the DNS changes have propagated. If you’re still having issues, check your Elastic Beanstalk environment’s health and ensure it’s running correctly.

I’ve verified DNS propagation, but my subdomain still isn’t routing. What about my SSL/TLS certificate?

Ah-ha! SSL/TLS certificates can be a common culprit. Ensure that your SSL/TLS certificate is associated with the correct domain name and subdomain. If you’re using Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM), check that the certificate is issued and valid. You can also try updating the certificate or requesting a new one if necessary.

I’ve checked everything, but my subdomain is still not routing. Is it possible that my Elastic Beanstalk environment is the issue?

Yes, it’s possible! Your Elastic Beanstalk environment might be experiencing issues. Check the environment’s event log for any errors or warnings. Ensure that the environment is running correctly, and the instance is healthy. You can also try restarting the environment or redeploying your application to see if that resolves the issue.

I’ve tried all of the above, and my subdomain is still not routing. What’s my next step?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! If you’ve tried all the above steps and your subdomain is still not routing, it’s time to reach out to AWS Support. They’ll be happy to help you investigate and resolve the issue. Make sure to provide as much detail as possible about your setup and the troubleshooting steps you’ve taken so far.

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