Why My LLDB Debugger is Not Working Even Though Everything is Correct: A Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide
Image by Wenceslaus - hkhazo.biz.id

Why My LLDB Debugger is Not Working Even Though Everything is Correct: A Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re frustrated. You’ve spent hours setting up your LLDB debugger, triple-checked your code, and yet, it refuses to work. Don’t worry, friend, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll dive into the most common reasons why your LLDB debugger might not be working, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and fix the issue.

Before We Begin: A Quick Refresher on LLDB

LLDB (Low-Level Debugger) is a powerful debugger developed by Apple, designed to work seamlessly with Xcode and other development environments. It provides an efficient and flexible way to debug your code, allowing you to step through your program, inspect variables, and identify issues. But, like any complex tool, it can be finicky at times.

Reason 1: Incorrect Debugger Configuration

The first and most common reason why your LLDB debugger might not be working is incorrect configuration. Don’t worry, it’s an easy mistake to make. Here’s how to check and fix it:

  1. llbuild -C Debug (or llbuild -C Release if you’re building for release)
  2. Verify that the Debug (or Release) configuration is selected in your Xcode project settings
  3. Make sure the Enable Debugger option is checked in your scheme settings
  4. Double-check that the LLDB Debugger is selected as the debugger in your scheme settings

If you’ve got all these settings correct, move on to the next possible reason.

Reason 2: Code Signing Issues

Code signing is a crucial step in the development process, but it can sometimes cause issues with your LLDB debugger. Here’s how to identify and fix code signing problems:

Open your Xcode project settings and navigate to the Build Settings tab. Look for the following settings:

  • Code Signing Identity
  • Code Signing Style
  • Provisioning Profile

Verify that these settings are correct and match your development team and provisioning profile. If you’re unsure, try resetting these settings to their default values.

Reason 3: Symbolic Issues

Symbols are the core of debugging. If your symbols are not correctly generated or loaded, your LLDB debugger won’t work. Here’s how to check and fix symbolic issues:

Open your Xcode project settings and navigate to the Build Settings tab. Look for the following settings:

  • Generate Debug Symbols
  • Strip Debug Symbols During Copy

Make sure Generate Debug Symbols is set to Yes and Strip Debug Symbols During Copy is set to No. This will ensure that your debug symbols are correctly generated and loaded.

Reason 4: dyld Issues

dyld (Dynamic Loader) is responsible for loading your executable and libraries at runtime. If dyld is not correctly configured, your LLDB debugger won’t work. Here’s how to check and fix dyld issues:

Open your Xcode project settings and navigate to the Build Settings tab. Look for the following settings:

  • Dylib Installation Name
  • Dylib Compatibility Version

Verify that these settings are correct and match your development requirements.

Reason 5: LLDB Configuration File Issues

The LLDB configuration file (usually named lldb.config) contains essential settings for your debugger. If this file is corrupted or incorrectly formatted, your LLDB debugger won’t work. Here’s how to check and fix LLDB configuration file issues:

  :target-run-directly true
  :target-stop-on-fault true
  :target-list-script-command "image lookup -n main"
  :target-create-debugger true

Verify that your lldb.config file is correctly formatted and contains the necessary settings. If you’re unsure, try regenerating the file or consulting the LLDB documentation.

Troubleshooting LLDB Debugger Connection Issues

If your LLDB debugger is still not working, it’s possible that there’s an issue with the connection between your debugger and your target process. Here are some common connection issues and how to fix them:

Error Message Solution
Failed to attach to process Verify that the target process is running and that you have the correct executable path.
Failed to loadsymbols Verify that your debug symbols are correctly generated and loaded.
Failed to create debugger Verify that your LLDB configuration file is correctly formatted and contains the necessary settings.


Troubleshooting LLDB debugger issues can be frustrating, but by following this step-by-step guide, you should be able to identify and fix the problem. Remember to double-check your debugger configuration, code signing, symbolic issues, dyld issues, and LLDB configuration file. If you’re still having trouble, try resetting your Xcode project settings or consulting the LLDB documentation. Happy debugging!

Still having trouble? Share your experience and debugging wisdom in the comments below!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is your LLDB Debugger not working, despite your best efforts? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these common issues that might be holding you back.

Q1: Have I installed LLDB correctly?

Double-check that you’ve installed LLDB correctly. Make sure you’ve followed the installation instructions for your operating system, and that you’ve got the latest version. If you’re still having trouble, try reinstalling LLDB or seeking help from a colleague who’s got it working.

Q2: Is my code compiled correctly?

Ensure that your code is compiled with debugging symbols enabled. This is usually done by adding the `-g` flag to your compiler command. Without these symbols, LLDB won’t be able to understand your code. Review your build settings and compiler flags to make sure you’re generating the necessary debug information.

Q3: Are there any firewall or permission issues?

Firewalls or permission issues might be blocking LLDB’s ability to connect to your process. Check that your firewall settings allow LLDB to communicate with your process, and that you’ve got the necessary permissions to debug your code. Try running LLDB as an administrator or disabling your firewall temporarily to see if that resolves the issue.

Q4: Is my LLDB configuration correct?

Verify that your LLDB configuration is correct. Check that you’ve set up the correct debug adapter, and that your launch arguments are correct. You can also try resetting LLDB’s configuration to its default settings to see if that resolves the issue.

Q5: Am I using the correct version of LLDB?

Ensure you’re using the correct version of LLDB that matches your compiler and operating system. Using an incompatible version of LLDB can cause issues. Check the LLDB documentation for compatible versions and upgrade or downgrade as needed.

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